Dec 13, 2024
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Our top tips
Decorate green
- Shop pre-owned: Shop thrift stores, antique malls or online for pre-owned décor you want, donate/sell what you don’t.
- Recycle old or broken holiday lights at Westlake Ace Hardware stores and other locations throughout the Kansas City metro area. Search RecycleSpot for the nearest location.
- Make handmade decorations that are re-useable, recyclable or compostable.
- Take good care of your decorations and they will last many years. Since extreme temperature and extreme humidity can cause damage, it’s best to store them in a climate-controlled space.
Green your greetings
- Send e-cards: E-cards are electronic greeting cards created and sent online vs. sending paper greeting cards via snail mail.
- Send recycled paper cards. Go buffet-style and let guests fill their own plates before seating. This will prevent undesired items from going uneaten. Shoot for 100 percent recycled content, preferably post-consumer content. Post-consumer content is waste and materials that have been used by consumers, recycled, and diverted from landfills to be used in new products.
- "Please recycle this card!" If you send a paper card, include this request.