Walmart - Roeland Park


See website for store hours.


5150 Roe Blvd.
Kansas City, KS 66205
United States


Special Instructions


Plastic Bags and Wrap

The following types of bags and film are NOT recyclable:
•    Salad bags
•    Snack bags & wrappers (chips, candy, etc.)
•    Pouches (cheese, tuna, trail mix, etc.)
•    Foil coffee bags
•    Frozen food bags
•    Pet food bags
•    Floral wrap (cellophane)
•    Cling wrap
•    Bedding & garment bags (usually clear with zipper)
•    Landscape bags (fertilizer, mulch, topsoil, etc.)

For a complete list of recyclable and non-recyclable plastics, visit What Can Go In My Recycling Bin?


Walmart partners with Lion’s Club to collect used eyeglasses. Call Walmart’s vision center first to see if they are a participating location.

Service Type

Materials Accepted

  • Clothing and Accessories
    • Eyeglasses
  • Pressurized Tanks
    • Gas Tanks - Fireplace | Heater | Insect Trap Tanks
    • Propane Tanks - Gas Grill |Barbeque | Etc.
  • Plastic
    • Air Pillows | Bubble Wrap
    • Bread Bags
    • Case Wrap - Bottled Water | Etc.
    • Cereal / Cracker Bags
    • Dry Cleaning Bags
    • Ice Bags
    • Newspaper Sleeves
    • Plastic Bags - Grocery / Retail
    • Plastic Shipping Envelopes
    • Product Overwrap - Paper Towels | Toilet Paper | Paper Napkins | Etc.
    • Produce Bags
    • Ziploc Bags