Dec 04, 2023
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RecycleSpot began in 2006 as a simple tool to match items with community resources. Since then, the site has helped thousands of Kansas City area residents find places to recycle and donate items, while providing educational materials, tips and public engagement opportunities.
The latest version of RecycleSpot launched in November and is designed to help Kansas City area residents recycle more and recycle better. The refreshed site includes a new look, responsive design and refreshed database that matches hundreds of recyclable items to over 1,800 service providers and locations.
Here are a few of the actions available on the new and improved to:
- Search the database to find a location to recycle just about anything.
- See what items can go in your curbside bin and how to recycle better.
- Learn more about household hazardous waste and where you can safely dispose of it.
- Find your local recycling center and explore the services available in your community.
- Learn more about workplace recycling and how to get started.
- Discover local events and get the latest news.